Wednesday, January 9, 2008

No on 94, 95,96,97 Be Thankful for your right to Vote: A Message From AIRRO

John Gomez, Jr, of the American Indian Rights and Resources Organization reminds us to:
Be Thankful of your right to vote

California voters need to ask a simple question before they cast their vote on Props 94, 95, 96, & 97- “Why did the Big 4 tribes try to deny my right to vote on these issue?”

The Big 4 tribes have spent millions of dollars to thwart the referendum process- a right guaranteed by the State Constitution. Signature blockers were hired to keep people from signing the petitions to put the deals on the ballots. Fortunately these antics failed and nearly 3 million signatures were gathered to qualify the referenda

When the signature blocking tactic failed, the Big 4 tribes filed several lawsuits to keep their deals off the ballot. To date, the Courts have sided with the voters of California and ruled against the Big 4 tribes.

It is hard to imagine that these tribes would spend so much time and money to deny California voters their Constitutional right to the referendum process. Was it not so long ago that the tribes used the same process to get propositions on the State ballot that would allow gaming on California Indian reservations? Why are they so reluctant to put their deals to a vote of the people?

Maybe the Big 4 tribes know that their “sweetheart deals” may not hold up to voter scrutiny. Or maybe they thought they could deny the California voters of their rights in the same manner as they have denied others.

Whatever the reason, California voters should be fortunate that we have this right because not all Californians share the same rights when it comes to dealing with Tribes such as the Pechanga Band of the Big 4.

Due process and equal protection of the law are hard to come by at Pechanga. Throw in blatant disregard for the Constitution and lack of protection of basic rights, and you will begin to understand why nearly 300 Pechanga members have been stripped of their citizenship- and many hundred more denied membership- since California voters approved tribal gaming and Pechanga became one of the wealthiest tribes in the State.

It should come as no surprise that a tribe that has denied its own members basic rights guaranteed by tribal laws and the Constitution would work so hard and spend so much money to deny other Californians their rights as well.

Pechanga is not the only California gaming tribe to blatantly deny individuals their basic rights- thousands of Californians have been the victims of human and civil rights violations at the hands of tribal governments. The rights violations have even extended to denying individuals the right to participate in the election process

So be thankful that you are not one of the thousands of Californians who have been victimized by tribal government. Be thankful that the courts have upheld your Constitutional rights. Lets send Pechanga, the Big 4, and the other offending tribes a message on February 5th.
Vote no on Props 94, 95,96, & 97.
OP: If only I was able to give you as clear a message. Please check out the links. And PLEASE, consider joining AIRRO. No to Pechanga's corruption, No to a bad deal for Californians. Pechanga tried to keep us from voting, now they are spending $35,000,000 trying to convince you that this is a good deal. If it's so good, why did they try to keep us from voting?


Anonymous said...

I am going to use my right to vote to vote NO on 94, 95,96,97. I'm not so sure about what the other tribes do, but if Pechanga is this bad, are the other tribes the same? They stand with Pechanga, they should fall with them, too

Anonymous said...

I've heard rumors of Pechangas dealings. People like me who live near the casino and have lived in Temecula for many years have found it hard to believe. I have many friends who have been sent emails from true tribal members, asking for their support.

We will support you, saying no to 94-97. You have used our businesses for many years. We will support you.

God Bless

Anonymous said...

I will vote based on my understanding of the propositions. The same people pushing for a no vote are the same ones who voted yes to casinos in California so many years ago. I understand the anger but it should not be what this vote is about. What is truly best for California as a state, more revenue or a "make them pay attitude"? Indian gaming has really benefited many tribal people who are actually using this income to better themselves and their families. There will always be a few who give Indian gaming a bad rap. Do not let those few control the rest. Vote with an open mind, there are always two sides to the story.

OPechanga said...


I hope your understanding of the propositions include the fact that we WILL NOT receive as much money as the tribes say. They can't get their machines up to speed, they can't attract that many customers.

Making them pay is a PERFECTLY GOOD reason to vote NO. Why vote yes to a corrupt tribe, what is their incentive to do right?
Indian Gaming HAS benefitted many people. Pechanga has just made sure it benefits LESS of their tribe, another reason for a no vote.
If you vote YES, you WILL be letting a few control the rest. Look at how easily our politicians were purchased for this compact. How easy will it be for the tribes when the have $40 BILLION more dollars.