Saturday, May 31, 2008

Pechanga Shame: WITHOUT A TRIBE

See this video from KNBC that tells the story of what the Pechanga tribe is capable of doing to their own people. Particularly interesting is that the Chairman, Mark Macarro was caught in a lie in his first 15 seconds.

WITHOUT A Tribe, is what happens AFTER the advent of gaming on Pechanga. The Hunter Family, of which Lawrence Madariaga is the elder, have been on the reservation for 120 years. Macarro, implied we were there after the casino. Hunters have lower enrollment numbers than Macarro and his whole family. While he grew up in Colton and his father went to San Bernardino High, Hunters were on the reservation for decades.

The Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians should NOT be rewarded for mistreating their elders, and members of their tribe. WHY should we give them exclusivity for gaming, and then have them screw their citizens? And, as we say, if they will cheat their OWN PEOPLE, don't you think they will CHEAT YOU?
There is a comment section on the KNBC site. Voice your displeasure about Pechanga. There should be a follow up report.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Good work. I love all the info. I know you hit 300 views on Sunday. Thank you!

  3. 340 today and still a lot of time left!

    We are getting the word out!

  4. I've looked at the site and it says that some people were enrolled last year.

    I thought there was a moratorium on new members. How can some be enrolled? What are they trying to pull?

  5. Can we vote no on Pechanga but yes on another tribe?

  6. Yes, you can vote yes on the other propostitions but no on Prop. 94 if that is what you want to do.

    But I am voting no on all of them because all of these four tribes already have huge succesful casinos already

    Why do they need more?

  7. My husband and I watched the video twice.

    Mark Macorro is hiding something. He definitely looks shaky.

  8. Mark Macarro is definitely lying, it's plain as day.

  9. Notice how, when he is asked why the tribe ignored its own hired expert, Dr. Johnson, Macarro glances at somwone who is in the room but off camera.

    It looks as if Macarro is telling the unseen person that he will handle the question.

    Someone seemed to be telling Macarro not to answer "that" question.

    Still, Macarro really didn't anwswer the question other than to say that anthropologists don't decide who a tribe's members that tribe's know their own history better than anyone.

    So why did the Pechanga tribe hire Dr. Johnson in the first place?

    Did they think that just because they paid him money that he would say what they wanted him to say?

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