Tuesday, July 1, 2008

. . . . . Pechanga Perp Walk Preview . . . .

The Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians will be facing the PERP WALK of some of their members in the next couple of weeks. How will this affect the upcoming July 19 elections? One of the candidates for Tribal Chairman, is related to some of those that will be going down. Is that someone the tribe will want out front for them?

Stay Tuned. The DOJ is dotting the i's and crossing the t's.


  1. There is a lot of worry about who is getting caught up in this. It's going to be more than just Larry.

    Regular employees, that will have NO loyalty to the tribe will make great witnesses.

    Pechanga picked the wrong time for layoffs.

  2. You ever wonder who they give the big drawing prizes to?.I wonder who won the hybrid Lexus that they were giving away yesterday?..and the year long gas winners??..I wonder if any of the winners were tribal?...does anyone check on these contests??somebody should check into them!!!
