Thursday, August 7, 2008

Parolees Ordered to Leave Soboba for their own Safety

In another escalations of issues at Soboba

Parolees on the Soboba Indian reservation have been ordered to leave or face possible arrest after the state corrections department said Wednesday that the area isn't safe for its officers to enter."Due to escalating violence, we have asked our parolees to immediately leave the reservation," said Gordon Hinkle, deputy press secretary for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. "Statute allows us to relocate any offender for their safety or the safety of others."
Hinkle said the decision affects five parolees and was prompted by reports of tension and violence between Riverside County sheriff's deputies and tribal members. Three members were killed in gunfights with deputies in May. Despite a deal to cooperate with authorities, tribal leaders said last week that deputies would be stopped and questioned before entering the reservation unless responding to an emergency.
Sheriff Stanley Sniff threatened to arrest anyone who interferes with officers doing their jobs.


stand your ground said...

Does'nt Pechanga have a child molester living on the Reservation and is'nt there a school on the reservation nearby? if so, then why can't he be ordered to leave the area? I'm just saying...

t'eetilawuncha! said...

Good idea. Scum, heroin addict. There are several felons from his family, no good for Pechanga.