Temecula Indians and AIRRO to Host Forum
on Human and Civil Rights Issues
on Human and Civil Rights Issues
Temecula, CA- Temecula Indians and the American Indian Rights and Resources Organization ("AIRRO"), a Native American civil rights group, will host a forum regarding human and civil rights issues in Indian Country. The forum is scheduled for April 24, 2010 in Temecula, California.
The forum will include an open discussion on the growing number of human and civil rights violations that have impacted Indian Country within the last decade. Forum attendees will be invited to provide testimony regarding the impact such violations have had on their lives.
Those who testify will also be asked to provide feedback regarding the United States' handling of rights violations in Indian Country and offer recommendations as to what actions tribes and the federal government can take to protect individuals from further infringements on their rights and liberties.
"We expect that the Temecula forum will provide insight to the growing number of human and civil rights violations committed by tribal officials, as well as the United States' failure to uphold and enforce treaties and laws enacted to protect individual Indians from such gross and egregious acts," stated Temecula Indian and AIRRO President John Gomez, Jr.
The testimony and recommendations provided will be compiled for submission to the Department of State, the Department of Justice, the Interior Department and the United Nations Human Rights Council which has begun a year-long review of the United States’ human rights record, with particular attention to be paid to the United States' treatment of its indigenous American Indian population.
For more information on the April 24th forum, as well as the April 17th session in Sacramento, California, please visit www.airro.org or send an email to mail@airro.org .
You may also submit testimony or provide recommendations by sending an electronic version to mail@airro.org. Hard copies may be sent to the AIRRO address provided at the organizations website.
lot of angry members, airro I guess what are they defending is all the wrongs to their people maybe trying to justify cruelty and destruction of their race, own blood we see no good reason things are going to change we will make it happen stand strong Unite to fight