Monday, August 16, 2010

Celebration of A Pechanga Life: Lawrence Madariaga, Hunter Elder

This weekend there was a celebration of the life of Lawrence Madariaga, who passed away last month just prior to his 93rd birthday. Lawrence was the elder of the Hunter Family, who descend from Pauline Hunter, who was proven to be an Original Pechanga/Temecula person by the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians' own hired expert.

Lawrence worked to bring electricity to the reservation and a health clinic. He lived on the reservation for 60 years. He was the oldest person living on the reservation and do you think he got his due recognition from the Pechanga officials? Anyone? Anyone?

Just a few of the relatives of Lawrence Madariga

My Cousin. Lawrence Madariaga's granddaughter, described what being disenrolled means to her:

With all this disenrollment going on my Rez in Pechanga I've had many of my people from the tribe and surrounding tribes come and talk and give their support from one Native heart to another. It's amazing you know to see your own people that you were sure you knew through new eyes.

I think the worst part of what I've come to realize from my disenrollment is how few Native people can really see what has been taken from me. It's a shame so many of our people are being blinded by money. But what keeps me going are those of you feel my heartache like your own without me having to say a word.

Thats what I mean when I say Native heart, I've found I can see it in the eyes. Eyes that express emotions shared by Native hearts from a shared pain that runs so deep in our souls we've come to recognize one another by the fire it feeds. I must thank everyone of you who come to me no different then you ever have, and those who come right out and bring it up, or ask how my family is, and most of all, all of you who say "FUCK UM!!" before I ever have too.

In fact I ran into an old friend in the casino last night (hey, it's still mine & where my friends are) I have not seen since it happened and I got to thank him because its people like him who keep me going like nothings changed and remind me of why I love my people so. He comes up to me and the one of the first things he says is " Hey they disenrolled you huh? So how'd that feel?" I was suprised because that was the first time I was ever asked that. To make it even better all I got to say in response was "Man, guy it still..." then he cut me off and said how he couldn't believe they did that to me and how its so fu**** up and not to worry because they will pay for it in the end.

How now all we do is watch them ruin it for all Pechanga cause they can't even see it happening. And therein lies my strength my friends are what holds me up. All of you who say this money ain't worth it and you'd give it up and be poor again just to go back to the days when we all watched over and took care of each other. The ones who love "Rez Life" because it was our life. Something these ones will never know nothing about probably wouldn't want to might disgust them the way we live. But to us it just looks like HOME,baby.Thats what we love not this casino shit.

Keep the $ just give me back my people!! I am grateful for all of you who bother to care for even a moment.

All my Love & all my Life for you, My People.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Rick for honoring my Grandfather "Tata".


Anonymous said...

Lawrence Madariaga, while short in stature was a GIANT compared to people like Raymond Basquez, Sr or Jr. and Jennie Miranda.

Anonymous said...

It's been a while since I've taken a look at this blog, but I was saddened to hear of Mr. Madariaga's passing, but I rejoice for him for where he is now at. He will never be disenrolled from the One above!

I've been following what has been going on for several years now, and, I must say, am angry that nothing has really changed. Justice has not been restored to the "Original" Pechanga people.

What will it take to MOVE the forgotten Pechanga people? Or even all of the disenrolled Luiseño?

For so long, I've read or heard about petitions and protests, and talks, and court battles (kangaroo court battles), but NO ACTION. How many are disenrolled? Not just from Pechanga, but all of your Luiseño brothers and sisters? How long can you be ignored?

How many times will you stand on a street corner with signs, and still do nothing? Nothing has ever changed without direct action. If you want change, then look to the defiant civil rights leaders of the past. Non-violent action, sit-ins, civil disobedience (without violent lawlessness) won. Without these acts, laws would never have been moved to change.

My Native American Tribal ancestors and my African Tribal ancestors had to fight for their civil rights to be where they are today. Though I am not of your tribe (yes YOUR tribe), I am moved to want action. It isn't my place to organize, but one of YOU to organize! What would the New Pechanga do if hundreds, or even thousands of you sat in their government building? What could they do if hundreds or even thousands marched onto the reservation? Would they shoot you? Would they arrest you? Would they hurt you in front of television cameras? I promise you that the rest of the world would start listening, because THEY AREN'T RIGHT NOW.

My people died for their rights. Your petitions aren't working. Your complaints in the kangaroo courts are a joke to them. They have unlimited funds to fight off any hint of a legal problem. You will only win this battle through the hearts of the rest of the members if they can see past the paycheck. If their paychecks aren't being processed, then the ones that only care about the money will start listening.

Would you die for your cause? Would you unite with the other disenrolled state-wide, or even country-wide, to march onto the reservations that are denying you your history? Maybe it's time for a little disobedience. Maybe it's time to look beyond just the disenrolled "Original" Pechanga.

Maybe if you work hand in hand with the other forsaken tribal members, and take a stand for direct action, then maybe you will be heard.

I will stand with you!

Anonymous said...

It's been a while since I've taken a look at this blog, but I was saddened to hear of Mr. Madariaga's passing, but I rejoice for him for where he is now at. He will never be disenrolled from the One above!

I've been following what has been going on for several years now, and, I must say, am angry that nothing has really changed. Justice has not been restored to the "Original" Pechanga people.

What will it take to MOVE the forgotten Pechanga people? Or even all of the disenrolled Luiseño?

For so long, I've read or heard about petitions and protests, and talks, and court battles (kangaroo court battles), but NO ACTION. How many are disenrolled? Not just from Pechanga, but all of your Luiseño brothers and sisters? How long can you be ignored?

How many times will you stand on a street corner with signs, and still do nothing? Nothing has ever changed without direct action. If you want change, then look to the defiant civil rights leaders of the past. Non-violent action, sit-ins, civil disobedience (without violent lawlessness) won. Without these acts, laws would never have been moved to change.

My Native American Tribal ancestors and my African Tribal ancestors had to fight for their civil rights to be where they are today. Though I am not of your tribe (yes YOUR tribe), I am moved to want action. It isn't my place to organize, but one of YOU to organize! What would the New Pechanga do if hundreds, or even thousands of you sat in their government building? What could they do if hundreds or even thousands marched onto the reservation? Would they shoot you? Would they arrest you? Would they hurt you in front of television cameras? I promise you that the rest of the world would start listening, because THEY AREN'T RIGHT NOW.

My people died for their rights. Your petitions aren't working. Your complaints in the kangaroo courts are a joke to them. They have unlimited funds to fight off any hint of a legal problem. You will only win this battle through the hearts of the rest of the members if they can see past the paycheck. If their paychecks aren't being processed, then the ones that only care about the money will start listening.

Would you die for your cause? Would you unite with the other disenrolled state-wide, or even country-wide, to march onto the reservations that are denying you your history? Maybe it's time for a little disobedience. Maybe it's time to look beyond just the disenrolled "Original" Pechanga.

Maybe if you work hand in hand with the other forsaken tribal members, and take a stand for direct action, then maybe you will be heard.

I will stand with you!

Anonymous said...

I would like to contact you directly "OPechanga." Where can I find your email address?