Friday, November 12, 2010

American Indian Rights & Resource Organization (AIRRO) in United Nations Report

Good news from Geneva, Switzerland, in the Summary prepared by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights report to the United Nations, AIRRO is mentioned.

The American Indian Rights and Resources Organization (AIRRO) is a Native American rights organization which is dedicated to the protection, preservation, and enforcement of the human rights of individual Indians throughout United States Indian Country.

Please view AIRRO's website at and consider becoming a member.

Abuses by tribes such as the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians, Redding Rancheria, Picayune Rancheria, Enterprise Rancheria, Snoqualmie (WA) have led to the growth of this organization.


  1. Thank you AIRRO, for standing up for all who have been harmed by their tribes.

  2. Haven't heard much from the AIRRO team lately. What are they working on now?
