Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ass Kissing By Temecula Works; Pechanga Gives $4 million

After the bad publicity the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians received by stiffing the city of Temecula of $2 million, the tribe has now decided that $4 MILLION is the number it will give the city:

The Pechanga Band of Lusenio Indians will give millions to the city of Temecula for a freeway interchange project and a full-time police officer.

The tribe said it was giving Temecula $4 million to help improve the Interstate 15/Highway 79 interchange, which is used by thousands of drivers to get to its resort and casino in the area. It is also giving $185,000 to the city for one, full-time officer to direct traffic around the resort.

Temecula and Pechanga have been at odds over how much the tribe should pay for the impact its operation has on the city's infrastructure. A federal judge recently threw out the city's lawsuit against the tribe over the issue.

Tribal Chairman Mark Macarro said in a news release the tribe had "no intention of turning our back on the communtiy," despite the lawsuit.

This donation allows the City of Temecula to turn a blind, uncaring eye on the civil rights violations that the tribe has perpetrated on some of the city's residents.    An unanswered question remains:  What has happened to the agreement the tribe was negotiating with the City and County?

Please sign the Petition for Justice at this link


Anonymous said...

So, if Macarro had done things the correct way, they would have only had to pay $2 million, but after screwing with the city, getting unfavorable publicity, loss of business, they spend $4 million.

Doesn't seem like an intelligent move and very wasteful.

creeper said...

Pechangas Corrupt Mark Macarro needs to make amends.
The Tribes bad publicity is out there and he knows it.
The denial of civil and human rights to true descendants is out in the News, Facebook, Tweets and other Media, something they can no longer live down.
2011 is the year for all DICKS,
OOPS I mean dictators, to go by by.

Anonymous said...

Looks like $4 million is the price for the city of Temecula to accept Apartheid in their midst.

Anonymous said...

You are clueless if you think the $4 million is in lieu of the $2 million. The $2 million was for the city directly - not highway interchange improvements that the city doesn't control. That is county/state/federal...get a clue. In essence the city got $185,000 instead of the $2 million. And this money is directly to benefit Pechanga, not the city, because traffic is terrible on the weekends on 79S.

Anonymous said...

The $4 million is coming from Special Distribution Funds from the 2002 compact not the current agreement. The state just released $30 million to riverside county. This money was already earmarked for that project years ago. You all really need to know the facts...Also the $185,000 is also coming from this money - not new compact promises or monies.