Thursday, April 5, 2012

Poem from Michelle Rodriguez: $They Walk In The White Man's Footsteps$

Michelle Rodriguez was enrolled at San Francisco State as a student majoring in American Indian Studies when she was disenrolled from the Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians in October of 2006.

The following is a poem she wrote that was published in the American Indian Studies Journal, Spring 2007.

I believe it speaks clearly to the emotions of those suffering the theft of their very birthright as Indian people, and to the motives and mentality of those doing the disenrolling. The motives ($) have now reached over $500 Million.

$They Walk In The White Mans Footsteps$

They walk in the white mans footsteps,
Upon the graves of their ancestors.
They no longer listen to them,
For they can no longer hear them.
A peoples history, memory, voice,
covered, smothered by concrete,
Left alone to disappear.

They walk in the white mans footsteps,
For the "All Mighty Dollar" is the only thing
They recognize.
They've left their relations outside the door,
Never to look back.


I hang my head and cry to my grandfathers and
my grandmothers they no longer recognize.

I still hear you ... I still feel you ...
I still want you ... I still recognize you ...
I still remember.

-- Michelle Rodriguez


  1. That's a nice poem but it makes me sad. It makes me cry.

  2. Heartfelt words that can only be spoken from someone who has first hand experience. Disenrolling tribal members is not fair, honest or moral and it represents another major victimization of our Indian People....just another cruel Federal Indian policy which allows this horrible abuse to flourish while politicians have their hands on all the dirty money and do nothing to stop it. Destruction and heartbreak endorsed by the United States government on its aboriginal people. A tragedy.

  3. It's so sad that this poem needed to be written. I've read this poem before in the newspaper.I cried when I read it then and I cry as I read it now.

  4. I remember reading this a while back. It made me sad and angry all at once. Now I am surprised but I still have those emotions as I did back then. I may be in a better place emotionally because life does move forward, but I have no love for those who spit on our ancestors’, dug up their bones, and threw them away with this thing called disenrollment.

  5. $They Walk In The White Mans Footsteps$

    They walk in the white mans footsteps,
    Upon the graves of their ancestors.
    They no longer listen to them,
    For they can no longer hear them.
    A peoples history, memory, voice,
    covered, smothered by concrete,
    Left alone to disappear.

    They walk in the white mans footsteps,
    For the "All Mighty Dollar" is the only thing
    They recognize.
    They've left their relations outside the door,
    Never to look back.


    I hang my head and cry to my grandfathers and
    my grandmothers they no longer recognize.

    I still hear you ... I still feel you ...
    I still want you ... I still recognize you ...
    I still remember.

    -- Michelle Rodriguez

    We remember a time not so past that all this would not last
    Like a distant memory
    Heads hung high as we remember
    We remember
    We remember
    Ancestor spirit that leads us on our path
    History now
    Never forgotten
    Remember… remember now
    Your assertors who never forget
    Remember to honor though who show you the way


  6. $They Walk In The White Mans Footsteps$

    They walk in the white mans footsteps,
    Upon the graves of their ancestors.
    They no longer listen to them,
    For they can no longer hear them.
    A peoples history, memory, voice,
    covered, smothered by concrete,
    Left alone to disappear.

    They walk in the white mans footsteps,
    For the "All Mighty Dollar" is the only thing
    They recognize.
    They've left their relations outside the door,
    Never to look back.


    I hang my head and cry to my grandfathers and
    my grandmothers they no longer recognize.

    I still hear you ... I still feel you ...
    I still want you ... I still recognize you ...
    I still remember.

    -- Michelle Rodriguez

    We remember a time not so past that all this would not last
    Like a distant memory
    Heads hung high as we remember
    We remember
    We remember
    Ancestor spirit that leads us on our path
    History now
    Never forgotten
    Remember… remember now
    Your assertors who never forget
    Remember to honor them who show you the way


  7. This needed to be reposted.

    Anonymous said...
    Due process would be to prove the Hunter clan is not Temecula/Pechanga Indians. Custom and tradition only allows for a clan to be questioned under credible evidence. As stated, the questions that were brought up about this clan had no merit and no sound facts just letters that were written and not notarized or checked for authenticity. The ban voted to stop all investigations into clans for the purpose of disenrollment prior to the unlawful removal of the Hunter clan. Custom and tradition were thrown out by a corrupt move by select individuals who are trying to save themselves from the truth. The real beauty of custom and tradition, is to assure due process. Walking thru the motions and allowing lies, misinformation and propaganda to flourish for personal gain is not our peoples custom and tradition. Its corrupt and evil, and has a lot of peoples attention. Due the right thing before you continue to compromise our peoples history...."Eagle Eyes."

  8. I get sick and tired of reading "another view's" remarks on the Hunters disenrollment, and would like to put it to rest here and now.

    All one needs to know is just what was the requirement for enrollment into the Tribe when the Hunters were enrolled ?
    If one looks into the facts, it is discovered that there are several criteria that need to be met for enrollment into the Tribe. Meeting any one of these requirements acording to Pechanga constitution and bylaws was deemed reason enough to allow entrance into the Tribes membership .

    1) Having an unbroken lineal descendant from an original allottee.
    2) Having a recognized Tribal Elder vouch for you that he recognizes you or your family as Pechanga.
    3) Having an unbroken lineal descendant from an origional Pechanga Indian.

    Any one of these was deemed reason enough to allow entrance into the Tribe as a full member, one did not have to meet all three. And though the Hunters proven beyond a shadow of a doubt the first two (to which the enrollment commettee also agrees), and though we believe we proved all three, we only had to meet one of those requirements to allow membership , and though we believe we meet all three, it was not a requirement..

  9. Actually Luiseno, we did meet all three as elder Antonio Ashman did state in a notarized statement when he was asked, "do you remember Paulina Hunter as a member of the band?" His reply was, "yes, I knew as such." So he, an original member, said he remembered her as an original member so that proved we are descendants of an original member.

    They took out the part of being a lineal descendant of an original allottee and having a recognized member vouch for you in 1996 as those were included in the supplement to the 1978 application but were not included with the newer one.

    But we were already in so how could they kick us out on the stricker requirments, which we did meet anyway, but they falsely claimed that we didn't, if we met the requirments that were in effect when we were enrolled?

  10. Any more rumors on rez about splinter group?

  11. When we were under-fire for disenrollment they themselves stated that we did not have to meet the newer requirements, but would be judged using the requirements we needed to meet when originally enrolled.

  12. See here.... every one knows the Hunters were falsely removed based on not following the rules:

    1) ignored the fact that no procedure for removal of membership was in effect when the decision for removal was made by a fraction of full quorum of committee members. This was not even line with now removed procedure.

    2) ignored any evidence that was submitted in support of remaining in good standing.

    3) failed to show specific evidence that supported membership was wrongfully obtained or any good reason for removal.

    What happened is a minority formed a group to control the power of influence and entitlement. This group did seeing a threat to their ability to control the outcome of elections and decision making by the general membership. The reaction was to eliminate any opposition that would allow this to continue.

    The benefit was financial gain and an underlying intimidation factor to end opposition to their power of influence and entitlement.

    Terrified? What’s the next move? These actions have painted you into a corner. Use caution.


  13. "Painted Us" in a corner, "Maybe," but to use "Caution?"..."Not Even." We are no longer "Sheep to the Slaughter!" We have "Endured" these "Corrupt and Criminal Acts" long enough, Their "Devious and Treasonous Acts" against "True Lineal Decendants" have to be delt with! It's a known fact that "We Can prove Who We Are," and just because they refuse to listen, "Doesn't Cut It!" Now we need to "Stand Up And Fight These Criminals." As I put forth in a past "Post," another "Protest/Rally" is in order. This time we need all "Oppressed Indians" from all the "Tribes" that have been "Removed Illegally" from their "Respective Memberships." Sitting on the sidelines "Hoping" this will "Fix Itself" because we have the proof...ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN." The "Casino Indian" doesn't care about our "Proof!" And the "Government(Indian Affairs)," what have they done about the Human and Civil Rights Violations" that these "Criminals" so openly display without "Just Intervention" to stop these "Destructive Acts?" It's going to have to be all of "Us," and I mean "All," to change this "Travisty Of Justice," for we have "Rights," and it time we act for the good of all "Native American Tribes" that have been "Harmed" by the "Corrupt and Criminal Tribal Leaders" for nothing more then "Greed and Self Gratification." We need to turn up the "Heat" on these "Criminals!" What say "Yee?" A new "Frontal Assault" of "Epic Proportions" is in order. It's time to take back what is ours: "Our Birthright And Heritage." Our "Blog" is here to "Help." So use it for the good of us "All!"...."Eagle Eyes."

  14. "And then there was.....SILENCE!"

  15. All that you need, all that you seek, all that you hope and long for is contained in this silence.

  16. "AND THEN THERE WAS NONE!" "Support," in essence, is likened to the wind," dependent on the direction, and always "Unpredictable," and accountable, only, to the pressures exerted within the confines of its structure....

  17. Yes we all need to come together disenrolled or not. We will be holding a demonstration on April 20,2012 at the Fresno Federal Building. We need all the supporters we can get. Email at if you are interested or want more info. It's time to come together as a nation. I am not disenrolled but I know its coming. I have cousins disenrolled, elders that could barely make it by. Our family has a strong voice against disenrollment. That is what will get us disenrolled but if we don't stand for our rights who will?
