Tuesday, May 15, 2012

KCBS News To Air Story on Pechanga and Pala Disenrollments Tonight @ 11 p.m.

We just received word from reporter Cristy Fajardo that her segment of the disenrollments at Pechanga and Pala will air tonight on KCBS 2 Los Angeles

Pala Chairman Robert Smith is interviewed for this piece, Pechanga chairman Mark Macarro declined to be interviewed. Please watch and tell your friends to watch CBS tonight.


  1. I'm sure the puppet master lawyer has already written a statement for smith and his responses to all questions will be answered with " it's internal tribal business".

  2. When human and civil rights are violated, it's ALL OUR BUSINESS.

  3. Thank you ! They need to be brought down for what they have done to a lot of innocent people!

  4. Hope you can post it for all to see! The power is in our voices and we all have it!

  5. Yes, chances are Smith will say something like, "after a long investigation some tribal members were found to not meet the requirements for tribal membership so an error was corrected in the membership rolls."

    He will also likely say, "tribal membership is an eternal matter decided in its own forum"

    Sound familiar? It should as that is what they all say.

    But if he does try to talk specifics he will say that elders from the past said their ancestor wasn't a full blooded Indian without any proof that they said it despite the fact that the BIA report, that he acknowledged says otherwise.

  6. Op. I couldn't agree with you more. Believe me. Ive been fighting non stop since before they pulled this crap. I was being sarcastic as to what I'm sure spin doctor is gonna say. I was recently on a trip to our nations capitol. I'll fight till there is not a breathe left in me. I will forever be a thorn in the side of the corrupt. My family all feel the same way and I'm sure I can say that for them. And they would agree.

  7. In the case of the Hunters of Pechanga, they claimed our ancestor Paulina Hunter wasn't an original tribal member despite the fact that she is on the rolls from the period in question, she is an original allottee, and she had tribal members from the period state she was a member of the band.

    The so called evidence against us?

    Elders from one faction alive now who said deceased elders from previous generations said we don't belong but without proof that they said it.

    Ironic that one of the elders who allegedly said we didn't belong testified in the probate for three of Paulina Hunter's children in support of our allotment.

    Also, in addition there were elders from the historical period who vouched for our family in the 1915 probate hearings for Paulina's allotment and before the first written enrollment of 1979 who testified in our behalf, other current elders gave testimony that directly contradicted the elders from the one faction who said we didn't belong.

    So just like Pala, some said we didn't meet the requirements without any proof that is the case.

  8. HOW about a BOYCOTT?

  9. I don't go to Pechanga anymore...I had been going to Pala...but won't anymore...

  10. justiceforpaladisenrolledMay 15, 2012 at 11:08 PM

    I am sure Smith will have plenty of lies to tell during his interview. Thank you to Cristy for doing the segement hopefully it will show the public his true colors . I hope that Smith is seen as the greedy, corrupt "leader" that he is. I am sure as you said United we stand that Dickstein has coached him on what he is to say. I am sure he will "forget" to mention all the documents that prove MB bloodline.

  11. Hpefully they mention the moratorium people especially the tosabol clan on the news tonight!

  12. Freedom of speech! I wonder what kind of retaliation the corrupt tribal terrorists are concocting.

  13. No rights on the reservation.

  14. That was a good segment. I like how they ended by saying tribes like San Manuel and Morongo do not partake in disenrollment.

  15. Was Robert Smith calling out the BIA, saying "they talk from both sides of their mouth". That's some pretty strong words even for a "Sovereign" Nation.

  16. He knows the BIA is weak and ineffective. He's strong and powerful


  18. Will the segment be up on the KCBS 2 website? I'd really like to see it.

  19. Smith put his foot in his mouth by saying he didn't have to show any documents because of sovereignty.

    Did he even show anything to his own tribe?

    These guys, tribal officials, should know better than to go on camera as they always look bad when they do so.

    Mark Macarro knows better as he just issued a generic statement as, the last time he tried to speak on camera regarding the subject looked even worse than Smith did tonight.

  20. Smith stuck to the point, and he stated he didn't have to show the public the documents. Get it rite, it's nobody's business but the own tribes business.

  21. I guess it is right for Smith to be a little Hitler and hide behind sovereignty as, really, that is all he has!

    The only thing Smith has right is, "right is right, and wrong is wrong," except he is the one who is wrong!

  22. I've got a rope and a tree,Ask for it and I'll give it to you robert smith.Why don't you do the honorable thing and just hang yourself smith.YOU COWARD!!!!!!!

    1. Because only the GOOD die young
      Unlike this shit fuck Smith.

  23. We will win this fight for all Native Americans. This cannot and will not continue. Our efforts need to move forward to a march in DC and in California. This needs to be front and center! I am ready are you?

  24. http://www.everydayhealth.com/emotional-health/how-deal-with-adult-bullies.aspx

    How to Deal With Adult Bullies
    From bulldozer bosses to pushy neighbors, bullying continues long beyond the playground years. Here's how to recognize a full-blown, fully-grown bully – and what to do about it.

    How to Spot a Grownup Bully

    "Adult bullies tend to be opinionated, judgmental, and coercive," says Katherine Krefft, PhD, a practicing psychologist in Buzzards Bay, Mass. “If a person repeatedly makes you feel intimidated or humiliated, you are probably dealing with a bully.”

    At Pala problem is the bully has control over the check book!!

  25. That old stinky fuck won't last long, can't take it with you. He dosen't even look indian, just another mexican collecting free money!one old man making decsians for everyone else.

  26. We should all try to stop the Greed! Check out the facebook page "Stop the Greed" and see what this Pig really looks like (with a little help from photoshop)
