Wednesday, July 18, 2012

On Nelson Mandela's 94th Birthday, Mark Macarro of Pechanga, STILL practices APARTHEID. Two differing legacies.

Happy 94th birthday to Nelson Mandela.  It's been 18 years since he led the African National Congress to overturn the apartheid rule of DeKlerk's National Government.  He brought that nation together in peace, while others looked for retribution.

Sad to see that APARTHEID is still alive here in California.    We wrote about it   Here in Does Mark Macarro’s Tribal Council Practice Apartheid       Working with the Masiel Crime Family, allottees of the original Pechanga reservation are not allowed to use drinking fountains and bathrooms that are public to the reservation. Forget about the BACK of the bus, they can't even get on the bus withou an invitation.

While we celebrate the life of a great man, we should MOCK the life of Pechanga Chairman Macarro.


Mark Macarro’s Segregation on the REZ

Hunter family Disenrollment

Apis/Manuela Miranda Disenrollment

Francisca Leivas Crime Family FOUR GENERATIONS LONG


  1. And that "Scum Sucking Pig"..."Chairman Macarro," continues his "Treachery" of "Deceit and Criminal Activity" and the "Lame B.I.A. allows this to happen by "Ignoring" all the warning signs that are so
    Blatant" that a blind man could see it. How could an organization that is suppose to uphold the rights of all "Native Americans" without stepping in and saying "That's Enough?" Just asking?..."Eagle Eyes."

  2. Happy Birthday Mr. Mandela. Your suffering was so much more than what we endure, you are an inspiration.

    Would that all our families gain strength to renew their efforts in the struggle.

  3. So happy that this great soul is still among us at age 94. He's an inspiration to all of us. Wishing him many more healthy and happy years with his loved ones....

  4. Don't even compare that worthless piece of shit to a man like mandela!

  5. A comparison of leaders, one strong and good such as Mandela and one corrupt, and weak of heart like Macarro is apt.

  6. Nona Scott,your aunt Vivian was a Trujillo,your mother,was Trujillo,your mothers father,was Alvino Trujillo,get over it.
