Monday, April 7, 2014

Picayune Rancheria Declares all Members as of 2010 Recognized. 600 still Disenrolled.

The Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians, which has shamed Indian Country for a decade, via disenrollments of up to 70% of their membership, placed a FULL PAGE ad proclaiming they will recognize ALL Chukchansi people who were members as of 2010, effective immediately.

This is a GOOD START, but there are still 600 Natives left out in the cold.  They are trying to remove some of the heat they've received in the past four years, which we've chronicled here.  CALL Chukchansi  and ask them to bring ALL the people home and show REAL LEADERSHIP.


Anonymous said...

All means All!
Nice things are moving in the right directions. Our Ancestors always did, glad to see we "all" can again. I hope everyone can agree on "all"

Anonymous said...

As a local of Coarsegold, I would like to say thank you to Tex Mc Donald and the council for the grants he awarded to our schools as well as the other grants awarded the other day. THANK YOU TEX, and THANK YOU Chukchansi. Its nice to see that business is getting done with your tribe.

Anonymous said...

You accept contributions from people so corrupt as Tex McDonald? Keep in mind that the money that was awarded came from tribal members who were illegally disenrolled from their tribe. I am sure the school is happy to have the cash, but it is bloody money, tainted with evil.

Anonymous said...

Actually, that money was already allotted to the community, agreement made years ago. Its not the actual money that's evil, (never heard of anybody being attacked by a dollar bill) its the LOVE of money, aka greed. That money was never meant for the members. There is another "fund" or account for the tribal members, housing ect....

Cathy L. Cory said...

accepting money endorses one's actions...NO-ONE should be endorsing the actions of ANY of the factions at picayune claiming to be the "tribal government"...

want to REALLY follow "the way" of our Chukchansi ancestors? then:

!!!bring the people--ALL 850 DISMEMBERED SINCE 2000--home to picayune!!! where we BELONG!

Anonymous said...

I agree, taking money from someone and thanking them for their goodness while they are immensely destroying the lives of hundreds of their own people is complete hypocracy. If its not in your back yard then it is ok? Would you take money from Satan too? and thank him for it? because that is what you are doing. Needing money is understandable but taking it from tainted hands is not. If outsiders supposrted the idea of making the tribe right again, they would still eventually get their donations but it would be from honest people not evil corrupters.

Anonymous said...

If outsiders supported the idea of making the tribe right again...

Wouldn't that be a shock? If outsiders actually cared about the people who have been destroyed by the illegal actions of their tribal officers? If outsiders actually cared that civil rights were abused? If outsiders took the time to find out that the lies that were foisted on them, that they pretended to believe just so they could get a few bucks, were told to hurt people, to preserve a false power structure, and to and keep the flow of money coming.

There is no amount of apologies that can ever make up for the dastardly deeds of these criminal tribal officers. They killed their own people on paper to steal their money. The contributions are just a cover up for the evil that has been done. Those who take their money and thank them are perpetuating the evil.