Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tribal Disenrollments "Like Being RAPED, and Then Going to the Person that Raped YOU for Justice"

I have been asked to bring this November 2008 post forward:

Tribal Disenrollments: "Like Being Raped, and Then Going to the Person that RAPED YOU for Justice"

A news story on tribal disenrollments and moratoriums had the perfect quote as a post title, from Carla Maslin, from the Redding Rancheria of Northern California. 400 Pechanga People know exactly what she means, having been "raped" of their citizenship, benefits and security by Pechanga Chairman Mark Macarro, the enrollment committee led by Bobbi LeMere and certain members of the Tribal Council, Russell "Butch" Murphy and Andrew Masiel among them.

From that article:

Tribal membership disputes are also a problem across the country, with as many as 4,000 tribe members fighting for enrollment, said Carla Maslin, a disenrolled member of the Redding Rancheria  (and daughter of Reddings former Tribal Chairman)in Northern California and an advocate for disenfranchised tribe members.
Maslin's case has gone nowhere in tribal court, she said. "It's like being raped and going to the person who raped you for justice," Maslin said.

These enrollment issues don't just strip away income from a potential casino, they limit access to education, health care and the cultural benefits of belonging to a tribe, she said."Someone is trying to steal away something that doesn't belong to them," Maslin said. "They're trying to steal their identity and heritage."

Here was how "those who raped us" at Pechanga administered J U S T I C E
  • The Pechanga Tribe said they'd give us a fair hearing, but consoldidated our cases so that we couldn't individually bring our case forward. (to keep the rapists from having to listen to 95 of my family)
  • We had a limit of to any written statement.
  • We were not allowed to send attachments or records (such as Dr. Johnson's report that determined our family was indeed Pechanga)
  • We must treat our rapists with respect, disrepectful conduct was "not to be tolerated" (lie back and enjoy it)
  • You MAY NOT ask questions, or call witnesses or present additional evidence or documents (we rape, therefore we will hear no evil)
  • You will be subject to a PAT DOWN SEARCH, even if you are elderly and infirm.
  • NO note taking instruments of any kind permitted. (and we won't wear a condom)
  • Grouping will be 15 people and you have 30 minutes (2 minutes per person and we aren't listening anyway, so who cares?)
  • We, the Tribal Council don't have to be on time for your appeal. (Masiel was late, but no matter, his mind was made up)
  • The enrollment committee commands you to use certified documents, however, the EC will accept hearsay from child molester in prison (Megan's Law website: Ibanez, Vincent)
  • Rapist PROHIBIT the presence of legal representatives. (ACLU anyone?)
As you can see, the "rapist" in our case, had their own brand of justice. NO CIVIL RIGHTS for us. And this is who Congressman Darrell Issa and Hillary Clinton, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein stand with .  OP:  And who Rep. Luis Alejo gives awards to.


Anonymous said...

What should you do when you see the people who think it's ok to rape and get away with it? After they rape you, make sure you have no rights at all. How would you act if it was happening to you Mark, Butch, Andrew, Ed, Raymond, and on and on.

Anonymous said...

Carla Foreman Maslin had to suffer the indignity of disinterring her grandmother to get a DNA test.

99.8% positive. Wasn't enough.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for the pain and heartbreak that those hateful people put you through Carla.

Anonymous said...