Monday, October 27, 2014

NCAI Meets Without Discussing Tribal Disenrollment or Tribal Abuse of It's Citizens

It's quite shameful that the 71st meeting of the National Congress of American Indians doesn't include an agenda item to address the abuse and civil and human rights abuses of THOUSANDS of Native Americans by their own tribes.

There are at least 90 agenda meetings/speakers and NOT ONE addresses the stripping of citizenship of tribal people, nor the APARTHEID practiced on tribal reservations.  Not the theft of water rights, voter disenfranchisment.  But don't worry, the NCAI did set up Ray Halbritter with time to discuss MASCOTS.  Yes, the same Halbritter that BULLDOZED his own family's homes.

NCAI, you must be proud.  SALLY Jewell, can we just say, WTF?


Kenneth Hansen said...

Part of the tragedy about disenrollment/individual terminations is that the main interest groups that are supposed to speak on behalf of the rights of American Indians--I'm looking at you NARF, NIGA, NCAI, etc.--don't bother. They hide behind tribal sovereignty or the Santa Clara Pueblo ruling, which covers bad behavior.

White Buffalo said...

Are you kidding those people will never bite the hand that feeds them. They hide behind the rhetoric that tribes have the last say in matters of enrollment.

Anonymous said...

Tribes should have the last say not factions of tribes who hide behind sovereignty and make up misinformation to justify their bad illegal acts. that's shameful for ALL

OPechanga said...

PUBLIC SHAMING and drawing attention to what they have done to Native Americans CAN work.
We embarrassed one of Barbara Boxer's staff while in Washington DC. And we got a water rights bill changed..