Monday, July 13, 2015

San Pasqual Justice: Appeal Filed with IBIA to DEMAND DUE PROCESS

There has been an appeal filed with the IBIA in the San Pasqual Descendants to demand DUE PROCESS that the CA BIA has failed to provide..

Notice of APPEAL to IBIA from San Pasqual descendants

MORE ON SAN PASQUAL San Pasqual Lawsuit

San Pasqual Split

San Pasqual Must Lose Right to Run Valley View

San Pasqual Members DENIED their Civil Rights says BIA



  1. Finally. Took long enough. Should have filed 10yrs ago.

  2. I am sorry to see the buck being passed once again. It appears no one wants to be the fall guy for the errors that were made. In a better world the Acting Regional Director would have issued notice that the applications were house in So-Cal Agency and requested an extension in order to have copies made, sent to Regional, and reviewed for compliance.

  3. Yes Reinstatement_Restitution but that would mean she and Michael Olsen would have to admit they made a huge mistake. As it is, she didn't have the guts to issue and decision and left it to Dale Risling. BTW, the correspondence in Riverside, from previous FOIA's. they don't have anything! It is a game that they will not get away with.

  4. And you have spoken truth Rein & Anon, No one wants to be the fall guys for these errors that "they" themselves made"..admitting to all, they made a huge mistake would make them look like Mismanaged craps.( which they are) and Honestly. I must admit our B.I.A. are run by nothing but "infidels"." Take my word for this. Not to mention our tribal Chairman whose no exception a "Trask Decedent".

  5. I am not so sure that either So-Cal Agency or Regional is very effective at housing and retrieval of documents. FOIA requests often omit documents that are known to exist. We requested the internal Solicitor's review of the Pala Constitution. This review is cited in correspondence from former Area Director Ron Jaeger. The BIA claimed it could not be located.

    For us it is part of a pattern of concealment the BIA has used to deflect scrutiny from the errors they have committed. It may be the same for you. It may actually work to your benefit. It is proof of either callous disregard of duty or complete incompetence. Also the BIA cannot use these documents to support their position in the future without revealing their errors. Or is it collusion? That is another possibility to explore. Conspiracy to commit fraud may be on the table sometime soon. Could this be the motivation for the spate of recent retirement announcements?

  6. You are reaching Reinstatement. The fact is that the Enrollment Committee enrolled the applicants without any documentation sent to BIA. They perhaps didn't believe the applicants had to be approved through a process. The San Pasqual Enrollment Committee somehow believed they had ultimate power over enrollment regardless of paperwork. That's probably why there isnt any. Since the Tribe took all authority of the applicants enrollment I would believe that the appeal should have been filed by the Enrollment Committee. They did not.The Tribe did send out letters of denial affirming the BIA's decision. BIA has no fiduciary duty to applicants.

  7. Anonymous at 1:58 p.m.

    You have no idea what you are talking about. There are hundreds of pages that support enrollment of the San Pasqual descendants. the TRIBE sending out letters has no force and effect. Clearly YOU have not read 25 CFR 48. The Bureau has a fiduciary duty to all San Pasqual descendants.

  8. Alexandra McIntoshJuly 15, 2015 at 1:18 PM

    The Bureau of Indian Affairs drafted and put in place 25 C.F.R. 48.
    The Bureau have a fiduciary duty to follow the mandated enrollment statute regarding enrollment in the San Pasqual Band of (Kumeyaay) Mission Indians, as a result. I have certified evidence dating from 1959 the Bureau breached their fiduciary duty to the San Pasqual Indians relating to the implementation of part 48 by deception. The breach of fiduciary duty has continued from 1960 to the present, with significant evidence of breach regarding a host of wrongful enrollments in 1994/95 and continuing thereafter. With respect to the San Pasqual descendants, they do owe a fiduciary duty and they breached their fiduciary duty. That will be taken up at a later time Anonymous 1:58 p.m. If you are going to post these banal assertions, please cite your legal authority. If you have none, I suggest you stop posting such nonsense. If you are trying to bring down the spirit of the San Pasqual Indians and their descendants, you will not succeed because they know the truth, now and are just getting started. So step aside, please.

  9. Anon 1:58 PM - it ok that you had made a mistake in not following the process. We expect you not to understand. You haven't been exposed to running a government, leadership, or growing a company. We have. We know the laws. We know because we have worked for people who taught us. We know the end. The only people who tried to issue those statements were Lawson, Joe Navarro, and Angela Mcniel. It's ok to be wrong. Now where your character is how do you set it correct. In the past none of you knew you were in the wrong. Now you do based on actual fact documents from the archives. Everything has been saved. Now that you do know better. It is expected for you to try to defend yourself. It is expected for you to be defensive. We know the ending. We are waiting for everyone to get caught up. That is why they are responding to us because we know who signed what and did what and who did not follow it and they know it. As stated previously. If you have nothing to add to our ending keep it for yourself. Because you will still be in the same spot while we are influencing change and setting case law. Watch and learn.

  10. Anon 1:58 PM, seems to me you need some spiritual guidance bro, how do you know our Lady McIntosh, has not been been exposed to running a government, leadership or growing a company? seems like you know our lady attorney personally. 'it ALSO seems like your wearing SOME KIND OF JEALOUSY claim...('We have'. We know the laws. We know because we have worked for people who taught us.).'TAUGHT YOU WHAT?'WHAT PEOPLE?..did these people teach you 'MANNERS' DID THEY TEACH YOU HOW TO ADDRESS AN ATTORNEY? DID THEY TEACH YOU THAT YOUR BI LAWS WERE INSPIRED BY OUR ANCESTORS WHO CONNECTED TO THE CREATOR? DID THEY TEACH YOU TO PRAY AND SEEK GOD"ON BEHALF Of OUR TRIBE? I THINK YOU NEED TO STEP BACK WITH YOUR 'DISRESPECT BRO'..our lady attorney and PANTHO along with HER ASSOCIATES WERE MEANT TO COME INTO THE KUMEYAAYS REALM ..AN THIS IS WAY DEEPER THEN YOU THINK..THE NATIONS EYES ARE WATCHING NO TIME FOR DIVISION..WE MUST MOVE FORWARD AND FIGHT CORRUPTION ALONG WITH OUR SISTER TRIBES AND BRING DOWN THE DICTATORSHIPS OF FRAUDS AND DECEIVERS THAT RULE NATIVE COUNTRIES.....

  11. Native Diamond - that person agrees with you lol. The lawyer and that post are talking to the person who is anonymous at 1:58 lol
