Thursday, January 19, 2017

About Those Congressman "BOYCOTTING" Trump Inauguration: NOT so FAST, Ted Lieu, Jared Huffman, Judy Chu, Raul Grijalva, Karen Bass, Raul Ruiz

The recent article of the Congressmen who will NOT ATTEND the Trump Inauguration as 45th President of the United States is a veritable WHO? WHO?? of politicians.   

But WE in INDIAN COUNTRY are FAMILIAR with some, who are boycotting because Trump said MEAN things, while they have SUPPORTED Tribes in CA that have you know ACTUALLY abused the civil and human rights of Native Americans.  Detailed below the picture.....

(Photo Courtesy of FUSION.NET)

Ranking member of the House Committee on Natural Resources has avoided discussing disenrollment with aggrieved Natives in his own district turning a blind eye to the abuses.     HOPLAND Tribe is one.


HE SUPPORTED an APARTHEID PRACTICING TRIBE in STEALING water rights from MY FAMILY living on the Pechanga Reservation in Temecula.


Disrespected Gabrieleno Kizh tribal nation when working on a national monument in their historical area.


Bass took over the seat of Dianne Watson, a CHAMPION of the Cherokee Freemen's treaty rights to belong to the Cherokee nation...Bass, however takes MONEY from the segregation and apartheid practicing Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians. Speaker of California's Assembly..she PARTIED at the Chukchansi reservation which had VIOLENTLY removed 50% of their tribe including their last language speaker.


The Mexican born representative in the Palm Springs area, couldn't be bothered to respond to requests for meetings, yet gladly support the theft of water rights from residents of the Temecula Indian reservation allottees  But....Trump said mean things right, Raul?

TRUMP said mean things, these people SUPPORTED abhorrent actions.......THAT is hypocrisy.  To quote John McEnroe:  YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS 


Anonymous said...

Hey you forgot to post the pictures of Mark Macarro and Robert Smith.

Reinstatement_Restitution said...

Another silly protest. Donald Trump is the President-elect. Pretending otherwise is plain stupid. Statesmanship is about working together to bring about positive change. Anything else creates obstacles to promoting the general welfare.

The Democratic Party is now the obstacle to helping the United States solve its myriad problems. In fact the Democrats somehow seem to believe that progressive democracy is the goal and fail to see that overspending on social programs, tax benefits to the wealthy, exporting jobs and importing immigrants, and rising healthcare costs are undermining the social order in our nation.

It makes no sense. There is a middle ground. Social programs are necessary but need not be prevalent. Tax benefits should encourage positive economic gains rather than just sheltering wealth. Companies that export jobs should be penalized, and immigration should be managed. Healthcare costs have somehow translated into providing drugs for everyone instead of healthy lifestyles that require little medical care.

These are all problems that can solved. All we need are legislators that desire to solve problems rather than creating them. Which of these politicians will step up, or are they more interested in opposing our new president in hopes of obtaining some kind of compensation? It seems that is how American government works these days. Just look at the BIA...

dick trickle said...

Vote* Out-Of-Office* ALL* Democrats. Give Peace A Chance*!*

Unknown said...

Los racistas demócrata están revueltos porque perdió la mentirosa de hilari Clinton quién votaría por esa mujer que maneja la fundación Clinton como si fuera su cuenta bancaria y que no le han dado ningún dinero al pueblo de Haití con la fundación que fundaron eso sí que es robar en grande y recibir beneficios de gobiernos extranjeros