South Africa had the SOVEREIGN RIGHT to impose APARTHEID on their Black Citizens. Did that make it RIGHT? No?
Words to live by for honorable tribes |
Why does nobody care when tribes like my own, Pechanga, do it on their reservation? The ACLU doesn't care about our civil liberties, NARF could care less about our Native American Rights, and the Justice Department doesn't give a hoot about justice.
Tribal gaming has helped many tribes in CA, come out of poverty, Pechanga included.
Unfortunately, with success, greed soon follows. Instead of helping all their people, including those they placed in a moratorium hold, who rightfully belonged to the tribe they looked at who they could get rid of to increase their per capita. The money hasn't made everyone happy.
The facts are clear, most tribes have not treated their people as abominably as Pechanga, Pala, Redding Rancheria, Picayune Rancheria, Nooksack and others have treated their people. It's more like Tribal Terrorism on the aforementioned tribal reservations.
I posted this in 2007 a great article that still applies:
Reconciling MORAL OUTRAGE at Pechanga Tribe with Self Determination
Here are excerpts from an
excellent article by Sheryl Lightfoot about how to support sovereignty issues, while not supporting the actions when they are morally repugnant, such as
Pechanga's disenrollment of 25% of their tribe in order to enrich the remaining members.
In order to be sovereign nations, we must act like sovereign nations. But that does not mean that in order to support self-determination in principle, we need to agree with every decision of other sovereign nations.
...The executives of our indigenous nations have the right, if not the moral responsibility, to send letters and make phone calls of complaint directly to the executives of the Cherokee Nation, expressing their concern over the (Cherokee Freedmen) disenrollment decision. This can be done while supporting the inherent right of an indigenous nation to determine its own membership.
Another tactic which can be employed by other indigenous nations or the private citizens of other nations is the art of moral persuasion, or ''moral suasion,'' as it has also been termed. This involves a campaign of exposure and embarrassment. (OP: This is what we've been pursuring for 8 years now) OP: Now, tribes like Pechanga practice APARTHEID on their reservations.
OP: My view is this
Tribal sovereignty is something that should be nurtured and cherished. The question was asked, "what could be done?".
Frankly, economic sanctions of another tribal nation, plus public embarrassment may be the only course of action that is effective. For instance, in South Africa, it was their SOVEREIGN RIGHT as a free nation to impose apartheid on their country.
What recourse did civilized countries use to bring down this hateful policy? Economic sanctions and world ridicule of the policy. No trade, no travel, no money. Final result, end of apartheid and a welcome back to South Africa into the world community.
Similarly, citizens of the United States (OP: AND California especially) can impose their own economic sanctions on the Tribal Nations of Pechanga, Pala, by boycotting their nation's business
Stop patronizing their casinos, hotel, restaurants and their powwows. Let them know that we do not agree with their system of denying civil rights to their people and until they follow their own tribal law, citizens of our country will NOT support their nation, but will patronize (OP: In other words, support tribal gaming elsewhere) their competitor nations.
Also, letting state and federal representatives know that we expect them not to support a nation that would treat its citizens this way, especially NOT to allow them increased monetary benefits by expanding their casino slot machines.
Readers, there are 250 members of the band that were
disenrolled and 200 people who are caught in Pechanga's illegal moratorium (illegal in that SOVEREIGN nation, against the sovereign nation of Pechanga's own constitution) Pechanga and its chairman, Mark Macarro deserves no benefit from violations of their laws and against citizens of the United States. Chukchansi has exterminated 60% of it's tribe, Redding 25%. Elders and children abused by unconstitutional acts under the BIA's eyes, with NO SANCTIONS.
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Reworked and Re-posted from 2007