Sunday, July 4, 2021

Original Pechanga Blog Wishes ALL A HAPPY Independence DAY.

Celebrating BREXIT 1776

245 years ago, some of our greatest patriots created a document that has stood the test of time. it wasn't perfect

Ben Franklin 1787:   Much of the strength & efficiency of any Government in procuring and securing happiness to the people, depends, on opinion, on the general opinion of the goodness of the Government, as well as of the wisdom and integrity of its Governors.

Independence Day 2021 marks the 17th year of termination for the Pablo Apish descendents from the Manuela Miranda family and the 15th year for the family of Original Pechanga Allottee Paulina Hunter, who Pechanga's expert proved was indeed Pechanga Indian. It's been  two decades for Moratorium people like the Tosobol descendants and even Mark Macarro's own cousins.

We will continue to fight for our rights as Pechanga people and continue to work for the rights of all disenfranchised Native Americans. America's independence was not won overnight and this struggle of ours, can't be won overnight either.

We must continue to educate our politicians and our local citizenry at every opportunity. We've had some successes and success breeds success. We need more friends and family to get involved and help keep the volume of the injustices perpetrated on Indian people...BY Indian people, mainly the corrupt tribal councils that proceed in stripping civil and human rights from Indian people across our country. 

Please HELP us.

By passing this blog along to your friends, by visiting here often and by sharing the link on your Facebook and Twitter pages and GOOGLE + each post.

You can help us be more visible and increased visibility is one way for us to combat the excessive amounts of money that gaming tribes have.  Robinson Rancheria has welcomed their people home, following the lead of the Enterprise Rancheria.  Keep the SPOTLIGHT shining on the corruption

We'd like to wish all readers across the country a  .
Happy 4th of July 2021!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would tell you to research Ben Franklin...he was not a good man...