Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Nooksack Tribe Serves 14 Day EVICTION NOTICES to ELDERLY, Infirm. Predatory Seizures of Homes

 You may have seen the ABC News report  earlier this month on this issue, linked here. But now, the dreaded notices that even the United Nations requested be stopped, has begun anew.

She's recovering from pneumonia. She cannot see well, she's had cataract surgeries in both eyes. Nor can she hear well. She cannot walk without assistance. There should be no scenario in which she could be evicted from her home of 24 years--a home she should own outright.  But the act of humanity eludes the Nooksack Tribe

Chairman Rosemary LaClair foreshadowed this act of depravity during the ABC interview.  She lacks heart and continues the abuse the Nooksack 306 has been subject to.  She's no better than the two chairman, including felon Ross Cline, and Bob Kelly.

RoseMary LaClair

Read the NOTICE, click to enlarge:

Their defense fund is on GOFUNDME  numerous small donations can add to one big pot.  Please consider donating.  And you sharing this story on your social media helps more people learn.  


# D.N.R. said...

… With Liberty and Justice for All ?

Anonymous said...

Rosemary LaClair you greedy bitch!! Is this how you teach your children, to disrespect their Elders, to show them dishonor?
Everything in life comes full circle, think about what actions you are taking, this will come back around to you, someday we will see your children disenrolled. You have no HONOR Chairman LaClair!

Where are all the Native Americans at that you are not speaking out against this injustice? Where is your support for the
Nooksack 306? Where is your support for all whom have been disenrolled? Where the fuck are you?
You get offended by words and you want your land back, yet you stand by when human and civil rights are being violated, bury your head in the sand or rise up and fight for your right to BELONG!

The Nooksack 306 need our help, DONATE! DONATE! DONATE!

Stand up and FIGHT!!!

Thunderbird said...

I too stand alongside The Nooksack 306 against this corrupt regime that likes dismember and cannibalize it’s own people. Please help fight this evil. Make your ancestors proud! Any donation is greatly needed and appreciated!

Anonymous said...

What a pig

Anonymous said...

Rosemary LaClair you should be enrolled in Putin's clan the way you sit on your fat ass and smile like you did something good for mankind.
instead of hiding your hands you should be hiding your ugly face.
Or better yet shove an apple in your mouth and get spit roasted over a big fire pit.

Anonymous said...

Looks like there is enough ass there for everyone.