Saturday, March 25, 2023

Chukchansi Tribe Reportedly Going After Their BLACK INDIANS For Disenrollment

Their is NO purity at the Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians yet, the most egregious of the disenrolling tribes are at it again.  Sources are saying that the tribe will target their "Black Indians" next.  Can you put that disgraceful action out of Chukchansi's scope of actions?

Just when you thought the Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians couldn't be ANY WORSE, they continue to surprise us.   

Who do their think they are?  The Cherokee, A tribe that disenrolled their black slave descendants, but have now restored those rights after a lengthy court battle, and now have welcomed ALL their rightful people home. The Creeks, who are still racially oppressing their Freedmen descendants,  and the other so called Five Civilized tribes?

California Indians have mixed with Europeans for CENTURIES.  Going after groups for being "unpure" is very ... Nazi-like.  There's no one way to look Indian/Native American. We come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

Chukchansi disenrolled their last language speaker Ruby Roan Cordero , remember?

This is simply disgraceful.  Are you paying attention Gavin Newsom?  Maybe ANOTHER meeting at their casino?

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